Welcome to Ostensible.info
If this is your first time here, Welcome! This is a dump site for all of the things I spend time learning. This will include a lot of IT stuff surrounding networking and programming as I am getting started. It will also include some of my other hobbies as well. Really the whole idea for this site is for me to publicly have a place where I can share some of the things I figure out or learn so as I talk to other people about it, I'll have a place to reference!
< Over here are the things
I'll try to keep this organized but don't expect much flair on this site, I'm going to keep it mostly text based with the occasional photo or diagram if it helps get a point across.
Below I'll post announcements of some kind
I'll only really update this main page if there is a big change, or if I add a new section that I want to highlight. Today for example I'll be adding openNMS install instructions, containerlab info, and soon to be Cisco devnet info.
Keep in mind
This is as casual as it comes, I'm not trying to impress anyone, this is not going on my resume (yet) and I won't win any contests with this content, so don't think ill of me if there are mistakes somewhere, I don't care. As long as the content is still helpful then mission accomplished! >